Sometimes this is very hard to do especially when you are faced with something that is new, important and something you dreamed off. At times it feels like the fear is choking the desire to go forward.
I have a new career opportunity and when I first learned about it late last year I was excited beyond belief. It was something that I had always wanted to do: to be a teacher trainer. The opportunity seemed so fabulous and I was willing to do anything to make it a reality. Then as time went on the problems started arising and the little fear of failure in this exciting opportunity became bigger and bigger.
Two days before my first presentation I found out that the presentation I had been working on for the last week needed a different focus, so I went back to the drawing board and literally spent the whole day and night reworking it and practicing. I went to the presentation stressed and horrified, because I didn't feel ready with the new material. I prayed my heart out, had my grandmother, who is a miracle worker, praying up to the last minute. While I was at the presentation things continued to change, first it seemed like there would be five people, then maybe only two, at the end ten persons came.
Everything went relatively well except the music. I had not embedded the music into the PowerPoint and so going out of the presentation to play the music became a problem. But I got through it. I had wanted so much to call it off, to tell my boss I am not ready, you do it, but I kept on hoping and praying and pushing through.
This taught me that I needed to be STRONGER than my fear of failing. Being strong paid off because I didn't let myself down and now that experience of pushing through helps me push through other times when I am afraid.
Has there been a time when you were afraid, but pushed through you fears? Please share, knowing that others are also afraid, but they chose to be STRONGER than what scared them helps us to know that we can do it too.